Sacred Women Retreat

Awaken to your true self.

10 11 12 May 2024, Barcelona

Deepen your relationship with

the Divine Feminine

Are you feeling the call for change? Seeking answers to the essential questions in life, who you truly are and why you are here?

This retreat is for women who wish to shed their skin, release themselves of unhealthy patterns and stuck emotions. To embrace their feminine energy, to stand strong in their power and embody the divine feminine archetype.

This weekend will be deep and profound work, total honesty with yourself and peel down to the deeper layers of self.

All supported by a professional and caring team, that support you before, during and after, only you can do the work but you will not have to do it alone.

Schedule of Retreat Weekend

Estimated timings








Integration circle

Integration circle






Free time

Somatic Integration Exercise

17:00 PM

Shakti Energy Breathwork

Breathwork & Gestalt Exercise -

Feminine Embodiment

The End.

20:00 PM



Pre and post support sessions

Intention Setting Session

The weeks leading up to the retreat, the mind will often start to become restless. Setting a clear intention will guide you throughout the entire journey, before, during and after the ceremonies. To help you prepare and allow the mind to find a sense of control, you will have a private one on one session with Zoë 3 weeks before the retreat.

Group Integration Session

Within one week after the retreat, there will be an online group integration session lead by the medicine man.

1:1 Somatic Integration session

The ceremonies are the beginning of your journey, the real work starts when you go home. Back to your "normal" life, yet so much has shifted inside of you... We wish to provide you with the tools and learnings to guide you through your integration process and support where needed. Through a 1 hour somatic integration session, Zoë will help you to embody the wisdom of your experience through the wisdom of your body and integrate this in your daily life.

Welcoming the divine in our hearts

A weekend to fully dive in all layers of the Divine Feminine

A journey with Sacred Vibration to let the Goddess of the Forest Flow trough you and heal, embrace, and be Love. You are able to connect deeply to your spirit in a nourishing and safe environment.

Hummingbird portrait in amazon rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador


Woman in Suit with Plastic Wrap Background
Black Gradient Rectangle

Sacred Plant Medicine

The master plant ceremony is one of the most powerful inner journey experiences one can take, let the mother take you on a deep soul journey. To discover and release what is no longer serving you, to ultimately become the highest version of yourself.

 Woman Looking at the Mirror
Black Gradient Rectangle

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy helps people to focus on their immediate thoughts, feelings and behaviour and to better understand the way they relate to others. This increased awareness can help people to find a new perspective, see the bigger picture and start to effect changes.

Young woman practicing breathing yoga.
Black Gradient Rectangle


Breathing is the essence of living, whatever we do in life, our breath guides us. We will use specific breathwork to prepare ourselves for the ceremonial journey and ground ourselves after. To connect our body, spirit and mind.


Medicine Facilitator

The medicine facilitator has over 20 years of experience and holds an academic degree in psychology. He is a trusted and reputable healer who embodies healthy masculine energy, which brings a profound healing component to a feminine retreat. As many of us face difficulties through the wounds caused by the patriarchal society. He will guide us lovingly in this life altering experience.

Gestalt Therapist

Sandra Maha Devi

Sandra is a therapist in individual Gestalt, Transpersonal and Reiki therapy. She graduated in the Holistic Approach to Health and Illness with Dr. Adriana Schnake. She is part of the Tantra Woman platform, a space where the empowerment of women is facilitated.



Zoë is a certified breathwork practitioner and plant medicine integration coach, she went through her own awakening process and realised the need for deeper integration support. Leading her to collaborate with reputable healers and practitioners. She is passionate about awakening the feminine energy and shifting the narrative of modern society. Zoë has studied trauma informed integration of plant medicine ceremonies.

To register:

  • Shared rooms in a lush farm house 30 min from Barcelona airport
  • Pre 1:1 session
  • Post Group Session
  • Post 1:1 Somatic Integration


€200 deposit is required to

reserve your spot

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Whatsapp: +39 320 351 7974

Woman Wearing Knitted Cardigan